A juridical recourse of apellation

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María Delia Buisel


Following chapters. 21-28 of the Acts of the Apostles we deal with the conflict between the apostle Paul and the authorities of both the Temple of Jerusalem and the Sanhedrin Court, who want him sentenced to death. We examine Paul's arguments before both, his exculpation due to malicious accusation and lack of evidence, the invalidity to judge him since as a Roman citizen he is subject to Roman authorities, the tricks of his accusers, his two trials before the imperial procuratorate in Caesarea, the two years of imprisonment, the appeal to Caesar, the trial before King Herod Agrippa II, his arrival in Rome after an eventful journey and the positive result of his appeal. We incorporate the interesting comment by F. de Quevedo, very little considered until now.


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Buisel, M. D. (2023). A juridical recourse of apellation. Auster, (28), e081. https://doi.org/10.24215/23468890e081


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